Repetitive SQL queries being run against configuration table #117

öppnade 2018-10-15 13:56:43 +01:00 av aheathershaw · 1 comment

Whilst analysing SQL queries for a new feature, I've noticed that a large number of select * from configuration where key = ? queries are being run.

We could cache the contents of the table once per request - and use the cache to avoid repeated lookups.

Whilst analysing SQL queries for a new feature, I've noticed that a large number of `select * from configuration where key = ?` queries are being run. We could cache the contents of the table once per request - and use the cache to avoid repeated lookups.
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labels 2018-10-15 13:56:43 +01:00

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This change has resulted in a dramatic improvement in the perception of the speed of the system.
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Reference: aheathershaw/blue-twilight#117
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