Add unlimited scrolling to activity/user feeds #119

öppnade 2018-11-20 06:08:57 +00:00 av aheathershaw · 0 kommentarer

The user/activity feeds are currently hard-coded to return the first 100 items.

Using Laravel paging we should be able to implement unlimited scrolling - I.e. a link at the bottom of the feed saying “load more” if more pages exist.

The user/activity feeds are currently hard-coded to return the first 100 items. Using Laravel paging we should be able to implement unlimited scrolling - I.e. a link at the bottom of the feed saying “load more” if more pages exist.
aheathershaw lade till denna till milstolpe Version 2.2.0-beta.1 2018-11-20 06:08:57 +00:00
aheathershaw tilldelade denna till sig själv 2018-11-20 06:08:57 +00:00
aheathershaw added the
label 2018-11-20 06:08:57 +00:00
aheathershaw modifierade milstolpen från Version 2.2.0-beta.1 till Version 2.2.0-beta.2 2018-11-20 21:05:04 +00:00
aheathershaw modifierade milstolpen från Version 2.2.0-beta.2 till (raderad) 2020-04-18 09:35:26 +01:00
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Reference: aheathershaw/blue-twilight#119
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