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Social media single sign in #5

aberta 2018-07-27 13:48:01 +01:00 por aheathershaw · 3 comentários

Allow users to login/register using social media accounts - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and GitHub to begin with.

This should be configurable, even down to which networks to use.

Allow users to login/register using social media accounts - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and GitHub to begin with. This should be configurable, even down to which networks to use.
aheathershaw adicionou esta questão à etapa Version 2.2.0-beta.1 2018-07-27 13:48:01 +01:00
aheathershaw atribuiu a si mesmo(a) esta questão 2018-07-27 13:48:01 +01:00
aheathershaw adicionou o rótulo
2018-07-27 13:48:01 +01:00
Migrated from https://github.com/andysh-uk/blue-twilight/issues/5
aheathershaw adicionou o rótulo
2018-08-13 13:30:30 +01:00

The logic this should implement post-authentication is this:

  • Have we seen that ID before? Yes = we know the user
  • Does the associated email address exist? Yes = prompt for the account password to link the social ID
  • If we get this far, it’s a new account, prompt for a password
The logic this should implement post-authentication is this: * Have we seen that ID before? Yes = we know the user * Does the associated email address exist? Yes = prompt for the account password to link the social ID * If we get this far, it’s a new account, prompt for a password

In the end I’ve gone with the more consumer type networks: Facebook, Twitter and Google.

In the end I’ve gone with the more consumer type networks: Facebook, Twitter and Google.
aheathershaw encerrou esta questão 2018-08-17 21:44:13 +01:00
aheathershaw removeu o rótulo
2018-08-17 21:44:17 +01:00
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Referência: aheathershaw/blue-twilight#5
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