'Blue Twilight Installer', 'license_file_label' => 'Upload your license file:', 'license_required_text' => 'Blue Twilight requires a license file to run. The license file is called "blue-twilight.lic" ' . 'and can be downloaded from the %link_start%My Orders%link_end% page on the %link2_start%Apps by Andy - Web Store%link2_end%.', 'license_required_text2' => 'The host name in the license file must be: ', 'license_required_text3' => 'Once you have your license file, please upload it using the field below.', 'licensed_to' => 'Licensed to: ', 'save_button' => 'Save', 'upload_button' => 'Upload'*/ 'php_config' => [ 'heading' => 'PHP configuration:', 'post_max_size' => 'Maximum POST request size:', 'post_max_size_upload_limit_warning' => 'Your post_max_size setting should be slightly bigger than your upload_max_filesize setting to allow for the HTTP header.', 'post_max_size_warning' => 'We recommend a minimum of :size :units. This value is controlled by the post_max_size php.ini setting.', 'upload_limit' => 'Maximum file size allowed to upload:', 'upload_limit_warning' => 'We recommend a minimum of :size :units. This value is controlled by the upload_max_filesize php.ini setting.' ], 'php_modules' => [ 'curl' => 'cURL Web Requests Library', 'gd' => 'GD Graphics Processing Library', 'heading' => 'Required PHP modules:', 'mysql' => 'MySQL Client Library' ], 'requirements_intro' => 'Your application/PHP environment have been checked and the results are below. Please correct any failed items before continuing.', 'requirements_title' => 'System Requirements' ];