/** * This model is used by gallery/photo.blade.php, to handle comments and individual photo actions. * @constructor */ function PhotoViewModel(urls) { this.el = '#photo-app'; this.data = { is_reply_form_loading: false, reply_comment_id: 0 }; this.computed = { replyFormStyle: function() { return { 'display': this.is_reply_form_loading ? 'none' : 'block' }; } }; this.methods = { init: function() { var self = this; // Load the right comment reply form $('#comment-reply-modal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) { var url = urls.reply_comment_form.replace(/-1$/, self.reply_comment_id); $.get(url, function(result) { $('#comment-reply-form-content').html(result); self.is_reply_form_loading = false; }); }); }, postCommentReply: function() { var form = $('form', '#comment-reply-form-content'); var formUrl = $(form).attr('action'); var formData = form.serialize(); $.post(formUrl, formData, function(result) { if (result.redirect_url) { window.location = result.redirect_url; } else { $('#comment-reply-form-content').html(result); } }); }, replyToComment: function(e) { var replyButton = $(e.target).closest('.photo-comment'); this.reply_comment_id = replyButton.data('comment-id'); this.is_reply_form_loading = true; $('#comment-reply-modal').modal('show'); } }; }