'Let\'s get snapping!', 'album_no_results_text' => 'This album is currently empty. If you are the owner of this album, you can upload photos using the :admin_link.', 'album_no_results_text_2' => 'Did you know: you can upload photos straight from your smartphone or tablet? Simply access the above link on your device.', 'album_views' => [ 'default' => 'Default', 'slideshow' => 'Slideshow' ], 'aperture' => 'Aperture:', 'back_to_album' => 'Back to :name', 'camera_make' => 'Camera make:', 'camera_model' => 'Camera model:', 'camera_software' => 'Camera software:', 'child_albums' => 'more album|more albums', 'date_taken' => 'Date taken:', 'date_uploaded' => 'Date uploaded:', 'file_name' => 'File name:', 'focal_length' => 'Focal length:', 'focal_length_units' => ':valuemm', 'index_no_results_heading' => 'Start something amazing', 'index_no_results_text' => 'This gallery is currently empty. If you are the owner of this gallery, you can create new albums and upload photos using the :admin_link.', 'iso_rating' => 'ISO speed rating:', 'label_intro' => 'All photos tagged with the label ":name".', 'label_no_results_text' => 'No photos are tagged with the label ":name".', 'label_no_results_text_2' => 'If you are an admin of this gallery, you can upload and tag photos in the :admin_link.', 'labels' => 'Labels:', 'labels_title' => 'Labels', 'manage_album_link' => 'Manage', 'manage_album_link_2' => 'Manage Album', 'next_button' => 'Next Photo »', 'open_album_link' => 'Open Album', 'other_albums_description' => 'You may also be interested in the following albums.', 'other_albums_description_empty' => 'The :album_name album does not contain any photos - however you may also be interested in the following albums.', 'other_albums_heading' => 'More Albums in :album_name', 'photos' => 'photo|photos', 'previous_button' => '« Previous Photo', 'show_more_albums' => '... and :count other|... and :count others', 'show_more_labels' => '... and :count other|... and :count others', 'show_raw_exif_data' => 'Show all EXIF data', 'shutter_speed' => 'Shutter speed:', 'shutter_speed_units' => ':value sec.', 'statistics' => [ 'album_by_photos' => 'Top 10 largest albums - number of photos', 'album_by_size' => 'Top 10 largest albums - photo size (MB)', 'cameras' => 'Cameras Used', 'file_sizes' => 'Image file sizes', 'file_sizes_legend' => [ 'small' => 'Small (<1MB)', 'medium' => 'Medium (<3MB)', 'large' => 'Large (<5MB)', 'huge' => 'Huge (>5MB)' ], 'intro' => 'This page displays some interesting graphs and statistics about :gallery_name.', 'numbers' => [ 'albums' => 'album|albums', 'chart_title' => 'At-a-glance', 'labels' => 'label|labels', 'photos' => 'photo|photos' ], 'photos_combined' => [ 'chart_title' => 'Activity in the last 18 months', 'taken' => 'Taken', 'uploaded' => 'Uploaded' ], 'title' => 'Statistics', 'uploaded_12_months' => 'Photos uploaded in the last 12 months', ], 'user_profile' => [ 'activity' => 'Activity', 'activity_summary' => ':count photo on :date|:count photos on :date', 'activity_taken_p1' => 'Photos taken by :user_name:', 'activity_taken_tab' => 'Taken', 'activity_uploaded_p1' => 'Photos uploaded by :user_name:', 'activity_uploaded_tab' => 'Uploaded', 'albums' => 'Albums by :user_name', 'cameras' => 'Cameras', 'no_albums_p1' => 'No Photo Albums', 'no_albums_p2' => ':user_name has not created any albums yet.' ], 'user_settings' => [ 'change_password' => 'Change password', 'settings_saved' => 'Your settings were updated successfully.', 'title' => 'Change my settings' ] ];