return [
    'admin' => [
        'access' => 'Access the administration panel',
        'configure' => 'Configure the application',
        'manage-albums' => 'Manage photo albums',
        'manage-comments' => 'Manage comments',
        'manage-groups' => 'Manage user groups',
        'manage-labels' => 'Manage photo labels',
        'manage-storage' => 'Manage storage locations',
        'manage-users' => 'Manage users'
    'album' => [
        'change-photo-metadata' => 'Change metadata of photos in this album',
        'delete' => 'Delete this album',
        'delete-photos' => 'Delete photos from this album',
        'edit' => 'Manage this album',
        'list' => 'See this album in listings',
        'manipulate-photos' => 'Manipulate photos in this album',
        'moderate-comments' => 'Moderate comments in this album',
        'post-comment' => 'Post a comment in this album',
        'upload-photos' => 'Upload photos into this album',
        'view' => 'Access this album'