<?php return [ 'actions_panel' => 'Actions', 'create_album' => 'Create a photo album', 'create_album_intro' => 'Photo albums contain individual photographs together in the same way as a physical photo album or memory book.', 'create_album_intro2' => 'Complete the form below to create a photo album.', 'create_album_link' => 'Create album', 'delete_album' => 'Delete album :name', 'delete_album_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this album and all its contents?', 'delete_album_warning' => 'This is a permanent action that cannot be undone!', 'list_albums_name_column' => 'Album name', 'no_albums_text' => 'You have no photo albums yet. Click the button below to create one.', 'no_albums_title' => 'No Photo Albums', 'stats_albums' => 'album|albums', 'stats_panel' => 'Statistics' ];