
namespace App\AlbumSources;

use App\Photo;
use Guzzle\Http\EntityBody;
use Guzzle\Http\Exception\ClientErrorResponseException;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class AmazonS3Source extends AlbumSourceBase implements IAlbumSource
     * Deletes an entire album's media contents.
     * @return void
    public function deleteAlbumContents()
        // Because all photos live in a single bucket, there is nothing "global" to delete for the entire album
        // The delete routine will have already removed all photos

     * Deletes a thumbnail file for a photo.
     * @param Photo $photo Photo to delete the thumbnail from.
     * @param string $thumbnail Thumbnail to delete (or null to delete the original.)
     * @return void
    public function deleteThumbnail(Photo $photo, $thumbnail = null)
        $photoPath = $this->getPathToPhoto($photo, $thumbnail);

                'Bucket' => $this->configuration->container_name,
                'Key' => $this->getPathToPhoto($photo, $thumbnail)
        catch (ClientErrorResponseException $ex)
            // Don't worry if the file no longer exists
            Log::warning('Failed deleting image from S3.', ['error' => $ex->getMessage(), 'path' => $photoPath]);

     * Fetches the contents of a thumbnail for a photo.
     * @param Photo $photo Photo to fetch the thumbnail for.
     * @param string $thumbnail Thumbnail to fetch (or null to fetch the original.)
     * @return EntityBody
    public function fetchPhotoContent(Photo $photo, $thumbnail = null)
        $tempFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'BlueTwilight_');

                'Bucket' => $this->configuration->container_name,
                'Key' => $this->getPathToPhoto($photo, $thumbnail),
                'SaveAs' => $tempFile

            return EntityBody::factory(fopen($tempFile, 'r+'));

     * Gets the name of this album source.
     * @return string
    public function getName()
        return 'global.album_sources.amazon_s3';

     * Gets the absolute URL to the given photo file.
     * @param Photo $photo Photo to get the URL to.
     * @param string $thumbnail Thumbnail to get the image to.
     * @return string
    public function getUrlToPhoto(Photo $photo, $thumbnail = null)
        return $this->getClient()->getObjectUrl($this->configuration->container_name, $this->getPathToPhoto($photo, $thumbnail));

     * Saves a generated thumbnail to its permanent location.
     * @param Photo $photo Photo the image relates to.
     * @param string $tempFilename Filename containing the image.
     * @param string $thumbnail Name of the thumbnail (or null for the original.)
     * @return mixed
    public function saveThumbnail(Photo $photo, $tempFilename, $thumbnail = null)
        $photoPath = $this->getPathToPhoto($photo, $thumbnail);

        $this->getClient()->upload($this->configuration->container_name, $photoPath, fopen($tempFilename, 'r+'), 'public-read');

    private function getClient()
        $config = [
            'credentials' => new \Aws\Credentials\Credentials(
            'version' => 'latest',
            'region' => $this->configuration->service_region

        if (!empty($this->configuration->auth_url) && parse_url($this->configuration->auth_url) !== false)
            $config['endpoint'] = $this->configuration->auth_url;

        return new \Aws\S3\S3Client($config);

    private function getOriginalsFolder()
        return '_originals';

    private function getPathToPhoto(Photo $photo, $thumbnail = null)
        return sprintf(
            is_null($thumbnail) ? $this->getOriginalsFolder() : $thumbnail,