/* This Gruntfile downloads the necessary CSS and JS includes (Bootstrap, etc.) and creates a combined file ready for deployment with the application. Available tasks: - build-debug: Builds the minified CSS and JS files */ module.exports = function(grunt) { var download_url = 'https://cdn.andysh.uk/'; const sass = require('node-sass'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-curl'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-dart-sass'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-exec'); grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), clean: { build_css: [ // Clean the build folder - downloaded files 'build/css', // Clean the resources folder - compiled SASS files 'resources/css' ], build_js: [ 'build/js', ], output: [ 'public/css', 'public/js' ] }, concat: { // Concatenate all third-party stylesheets into blue-twilight.css bt_css: { src: [ 'build/css/*.css', 'resources/css/*.css' ], dest: 'public/css/blue-twilight.css' }, // Concatenate all third-party and application Javascripts into blue-twilight.js bt_js: { src: [ 'build/js/*.js', 'resources/js/*.js', ], dest: 'public/js/blue-twilight.js' }, }, curl: { /* These elements are sorted according to the order we desire them to be loaded when concatenated */ /** CSS **/ bootstrap_css: { src: download_url + 'bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap.css', dest: 'build/css/01-bootstrap.css' }, /** JS **/ jquery: { src: download_url + 'jquery/3.3.1/jquery.js', dest: 'build/js/01-jquery.js' }, bootstrap_js: { src: download_url + 'bootstrap/4.4.1/js/bootstrap.bundle.js', dest: 'build/js/03-bootstrap.js' }, font_awesome_js: { src: download_url + 'font-awesome/5.4.1/js/all.js', dest: 'build/js/04-fontawesome.js' }, vuejs: { src: download_url + 'vuejs/2.6.10/vue.js', dest: 'build/js/06-vuejs.js' }, }, 'dart-sass': { bt_sass: { options: { sourceMap: false }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'resources/sass/', src: ['*.scss'], dest: 'resources/css/', ext: '.css' }] }, } }); // Register our tasks grunt.registerTask('build-css-debug', [ // Download third-party stylesheets 'curl:bootstrap_css', // SASS our own CSS 'dart-sass:bt_sass', // Create our blue-twilight.css 'concat:bt_css' ]); grunt.registerTask('build-js-debug', [ // Download third-party Javascripts 'curl:jquery', 'curl:bootstrap_js', 'curl:font_awesome_js', 'curl:vuejs', // Create our blue-twilight.js 'concat:bt_js' ]); // Shortcut tasks for the ones above grunt.registerTask('clean-all', ['clean:build_css', 'clean:build_js', 'clean:output']); grunt.registerTask('build-debug', ['clean-all', 'build-css-debug', 'build-js-debug']); };