<?php namespace App\Http\Middleware; use App\Album; use App\Facade\Theme; use App\Facade\UserConfig; use App\Helpers\DbHelper; use App\Label; use Closure; use Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException; use Illuminate\Foundation\Application; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Mail\Mailer; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View; class GlobalConfiguration { /** * The application instance. * * @var \Illuminate\Foundation\Application */ protected $app; /** * Create a new middleware instance. * * @param \Illuminate\Foundation\Application $app * @return void */ public function __construct(Application $app) { $this->app = $app; } public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next) { // We can always add the version number $this->addVersionNumberToView(); // If running the installer, chances are our database isn't running yet if ($request->is('install/*')) { return $next($request); } // When running migrations, CLI tasks or the installer, don't need to add things to the view if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { $this->addThemeInfoToView(); $this->addAlbumsToView(); $this->addLabelsToView(); $this->addFlashMessages(); } // Set the default mail configuration as per user's requirements $this->updateMailConfig(); return $next($request); } private function addAlbumsToView() { $albums = DbHelper::getAlbumsForCurrentUser_NonPaged()->get(); View::share('g_albums', $albums); if (UserConfig::get('albums_menu_parents_only')) { // Only show top-level albums in the nav bar $navbarAlbums = $albums->filter(function($value, $key) { return is_null($value->parent_album_id); }); } else { // If not just showing top-level albums, we can show all $navbarAlbums = $albums; } $navbarAlbumsToDisplay = UserConfig::get('albums_menu_number_items'); View::share('g_albums_menu', $navbarAlbums->take($navbarAlbumsToDisplay)); View::share('g_more_albums', $navbarAlbums->count() - $navbarAlbumsToDisplay); $albumsToUpload = DbHelper::getAlbumsForCurrentUser_NonPaged('upload-photos')->get(); View::share('g_albums_upload', $albumsToUpload); } private function addFlashMessages() { /** @var Request $request */ $request = app('request'); if ($request->session()->has('error')) { View::share('error', $request->session()->get('error')); } if ($request->session()->has('success')) { View::share('success', $request->session()->get('success')); } } private function addLabelsToView() { $NUMBER_TO_SHOW_IN_NAVBAR = 5; $labelCount = Label::count(); $labels = Label::all(); $labelsToAdd = []; /** @var Label $label */ foreach ($labels as $label) { $label->photos_count = $label->photoCount(); $labelsToAdd[] = $label; } // Sort my photo count, then name usort($labelsToAdd, function(Label $a, Label $b) { if ($a->photos_count == $b->photos_count) { if ($a->name == $b->name) { return 0; } else if ($a->name < $b->name) { return -1; } else if ($a->name > $b->name) { return 1; } } else if ($a->photos_count < $b->photos_count) { return -1; } else if ($a->photos_count > $b->photos_count) { return 1; } }); $labelsToAdd = array_slice(array_reverse($labelsToAdd), 0, $NUMBER_TO_SHOW_IN_NAVBAR); View::share('g_labels', $labelsToAdd); View::share('g_more_labels', $labelCount - $NUMBER_TO_SHOW_IN_NAVBAR); } private function addThemeInfoToView() { $themeInfo = Theme::info(); // Add each theme info element to the view - prefixing with theme_ // e.g. $themeInfo['name'] becomes $theme_name in the view foreach ($themeInfo as $key => $value) { View::share('theme_' . $key, $value); } // Also add a theme_url key View::share('theme_url', sprintf('themes/%s', Theme::current())); } private function addVersionNumberToView() { $version = config('app.version'); View::share('app_version', $version); View::share('app_version_url', $version); } private function updateMailConfig() { /** @var Mailer $mailer */ $mailer = $this->app->mailer; $swiftMailer = $mailer->getSwiftMailer(); /** @var \Swift_SmtpTransport $transport */ $transport = $swiftMailer->getTransport(); $transport->setHost(UserConfig::get('smtp_server')); $transport->setPort(intval(UserConfig::get('smtp_port'))); $username = UserConfig::get('smtp_username'); if (!is_null($username)) { $transport->setUsername($username); } $password = UserConfig::get('smtp_password'); if (!is_null($password)) { try { $transport->setPassword(decrypt($password)); } catch (DecryptException $ex) { // Unable to decrypt the password - presumably the app's key has changed } } if (UserConfig::get('smtp_encryption')) { $transport->setEncryption('tls'); } $mailer->alwaysFrom(UserConfig::get('sender_address'), UserConfig::get('sender_name')); } }