connection) && $this->connection->ping()) { $this->connection->close(); } } public function open() { echo sprintf('Connecting to Drupal database called "%s" on "%s:%d"' . PHP_EOL, $this->config['database'], $this->config['host'], $this->config['port']); $this->connection = new \mysqli( $this->config['host'], $this->config['username'], $this->config['password'], //$this->config['database'], 'drupal_osborne_2', $this->config['port'] ); if ($this->connection->connect_errno) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Error connecting to database: %s', $this->connection->connect_error)); } } abstract function upload(Event $event); protected function executeQuery($sql, array $paramTypes = [], array $paramValues = []) { $statement = $this->prepareQueryStatement($sql, $paramTypes, $paramValues); $returnCode = $statement->execute(); if ($returnCode === false) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Failed executing the query: %s', $this->connection->error)); } } protected function executeQueryResult($sql, array $paramTypes = [], array $paramValues = []) { $statement = $this->prepareQueryStatement($sql, $paramTypes, $paramValues); $returnCode = $statement->execute(); if ($returnCode === false) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Failed executing the query: %s', $this->connection->error)); } $results = []; $result = $statement->get_result(); while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $results[] = $row; } return $results; } protected function getLastInsertedID() { $result = $this->executeQueryResult('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS id'); if (count($result) > 0) { return intval($result[0]['id']); } return -1; } private function prepareQueryStatement($sql, array $paramTypes = [], array $paramValues = []) { $statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql); if ($statement === false) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Failed preparing the query: %s', $this->connection->error)); } if (count($paramTypes) > 0 && count($paramValues) > 0) { $a_params = array(); $param_type = ''; $n = count($paramTypes); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $param_type .= $paramTypes[$i]; } /* with call_user_func_array, array params must be passed by reference */ $a_params[] = &$param_type; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { /* with call_user_func_array, array params must be passed by reference */ $a_params[] = &$paramValues[$i]; } /* Prepare statement */ call_user_func_array(array($statement, 'bind_param'), $a_params); } return $statement; } }