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Let's Encrypt plugin scripts for Linode DNS

Hook scripts for automating the issue and renewal of Let's Encrypt certificates when using Linode's DNS platform.


These scripts use Linode's official CLI client to interact with the Linode API.

Install the official Linode CLI client using Linode's official guide.

Download the [linode-auth-hook.sh](https://apps.andysh.uk/aheathershaw/letsencrypt-linode/src/branch/master/linode-auth-hook.sh) and [linode-cleanup-hook.sh](https://apps.andysh.uk/aheathershaw/letsencrypt-linode/src/branch/master/linode-cleanup-hook.sh) shell scripts and make a note of where you have downloaded them to.


To use the scripts for a new domain renewal, use the "manual" plugin with the extra "hook" options.

This example requests a wildcard certificate for the domain yourdomain.com - change accordingly.

certbot certonly --manual -d *.yourdomain.com -d yourdomain.com --preferred-challenges dns-01 --manual-auth-hook /path/to/linode-auth-hook.sh --manual-cleanup-hook /path/to/linode-cleanup-hook.sh.